Photo of the Day 12th March 2025.

Side view of a white, twin engined jet airliner taxiing along a runway from left to right

G-PJRT, British Aerospace Jetstream 4100 prototype, landing Runway 25 at Woodford, 7th September 1992.

Winglet Wednesday 11th March 2025.

Close-up of the up-turned left wingtip and engine of a white, twin engined jet airliner parked on it's stand facing to the left. The plane has large white "EgyptAir" titles on the side of the fuselage in blue (the word "Air" being mostly out of frame), repeated in an Arabic script on the side of the engine pod. The wingtip is white, with a grey leading edge. There are diagonal light blue stripes towards the front of the fuselage, and a low-slung white truck visible under the body.

SU-GFR, Airbus A321-251NX Neo, EgyptAir, parked on Gate 22 at Manchester Airport, 201th May 2024, as seen from the top of the T1 car park.

Bonus Photo of the Day 11th March 2025.

Side view of a white, high-winged, 4 engined jet airliner taxiing from right to left, following a yellow line painted on the concrete floor. There are blue "CrossAir" titles on the upper forward fuselage, and a small image of a blue flying elephant under the cockpit windows. There is a blue splotch on the lower forward fuselage, with another blue splotch overlaid with a red splotch on the rear fuselage, and again on the tail, the red splotch here being squared off and having a large white plus sign in the middle. Concrete apron fills most of the rest of the frame, with grass further back leading up to a grey hangar on the left with planes parked in front, and a rather distinctive large white building in the middle, with trees beyond, under grim grey skies.

HB-IXF, British Aerospace Avro RJ85, CrossAir, at Geneva Cointrin, either 1993 or 1996.