Photo of the Day 21st February 2025.

Side view of a white helicopter ground-taxiing from left to right.

PH-SSS, Aerospatiale SA365N Dauphin 2, Schreiner Airways, at Rotterdam Airport, 18th October 1993.

On This Day 21st February 2014.

Side view of a white and blue, twin engined jet airliner with it's engines mounted on the sides of the rear fuselage, facing to the left but being pushed back to the right by a small grey tug. The plane has a white belly, and blue upper fuselage. The tail has a light blue lower half and dark blue upper half, with white "BMI" titles on the top section. The top of the engine pod is red at the front and white everywhere else, with the registration "G-RJXE" in blue in the middle. Green grass fills most of the foreground, lining the edges of taxiways, with a red and white checkerboard metal frame in the background on the left of the frame. A large gey terminal building stretches across the rest of the frame.

G-RJXE, Embraer ERJ-145EP, BMI Regional, being pushed back on the executive apron at Manchester Airport, 21st February 2014, as seen from the Runway Viewing Park.

On This Day 21st February 2018.

Side view of a high-winged, twin propellor-engined purple airliner flying from left to right at a very low altitude, with undercarriage extended and flaps deployed from the rear of the wings, suggesting it is about to land. The plane is mostly a lush purple, with a yellow and red band around the rear fuselage, and a whitetail and tail-cone. There are large white "FlyBe" titles over 6 white dots on the forward fuselage, a design replicated diagonally on the tail, only this time the text is in 2 shades of blue, and with 2 yellow dots, 2 red dots, and 2 purple. There are white "Stobart Air" titles under the forward fuselage, just over the nose-wheel doors, repeated over the rear passenger cabin windows, and the registration "EI-REM" just under those windows, also in white.

EI-REM, ATR72-500, Stobart Air, but operating in FlyBe colours, on final approach to Runway 23 Right at Manchester Airport, 21st February 2018, as seen from Shadowmoss Road.