Photo of the Day 25th March 2025.

Side view of a pale blue biplane with white wings parked on grass facing to the right.

G-ABWP, Spartan Arrow, parked on the grass at Manchester Barton, some time in the 1990s.

On This Day 25th March 1993.

Side view of a white and grey, twin propellor-engined airliner taxiing from left to right. The plane has white upper surfaces and grey lower surfaces, with a pale blue stripe running along the body, and black "Cranfield" titles on the upper rear fuselage. There is a diagonal orange stripe on the tail, with the black registration "G-AXUI" passing through the base. The wing-mounted engine pods are dark blue, almost purple. Green grass fills the foreground. With more grass in the background leading up to trees in the distance, with tree-covered rolling hills beyond that. Grey sky fills the rest of the frame.

G-AXUI, Handley-Page HP-137 Jetstream Mk.1, Cranfield University, taxiing in after landing at the British Aerospace plant at Woodford, 25th March 1993.

On This Day 25th March 2015.

Side view of a white, high-winged, twin engined jet airliner taxiing from right to left. The plane has a deep blue belly and engine pods slung under the wings, and blue "British airways" titles on the lower forward fuselage. There is a twisted ribbon, blue on the inside, red on the outside, on the upper forward fuselage, covering part of the forward cabin door. There are wavy red-blue-red stripes, separated by white, on the white tail. The registration "OY-NCM" is on the rear fuiselage, in blue. There are small "Operated by Sun-Air" titles under the cockpit windows. Grass lines the runway in the foreground, while a grey terminal building stretches across the frame, varying in height, taller on the left, barely reaching over the top of the plane on the right. Blue-grey sky fills the rest of the frame.

OY-NCM, Dornier 328JET-310, SunAir of Scandinavia, in British Airways colours, lining up on Runway 23 Left at manchester Airport, 25th march 2015, as seen from the SouthSide mounds.

It is notable that this is (or at least, was) the only British Airways route that doesn't involve Heathrow Airport.

Tails Tuesday 25th March 2025.

Close-up of the white rear fuselage and tail of a very large jet airliner flying from right to left at a low altitude. There is a stylised, waving flag of the United Arab Emirates (red vertical stripe, then equal green, white, and black horizontal stripes) covering most of the tail, the red section extending down on to the rear fuselage. The registration "A6-EDL" is visible on the lower rear fuselage, on the left of the frame. The winglet on the end of the wing ion the other side of the plane is visible under the body on the left. Cloudy white sky fills the rest of the frame.

A6-EDL, Airbus A380-861, Emirates, sailing past the Esso garage on Southern Perimeter Road after taking off from Runway 27 left at London Heathrow, 22nd March 2018.