Category: Site Updates

Site Update.

Due to stuff going on at home over the next few weeks (nothing bad, we’ve just bought a new house, and packing up, doing some updates on the new house, and keeping up with the day job is taking more of my time than I expected), the daily post will be dropping to 3 photos a day.

Give it a month, and we’ll be back to the full 6 daily photos again.

I’m also going to be experimenting with a slightly different way of doing each post, to try and improve the way posts federate across the Fediverse.


New Post Layouts

I’m working on a new way of laying out my posts – today is the first time I’ve actually publicly posted this way, what does everyone think?

I’m using a modified version of the built-in gallery generator, along with a custom lightbox, and I think it’s looking fairly good – still some things I could alter, but I will look at that later.

Manc AvGeek

New Years Resolutions 2024

As is traditional for this time of year (Give or take the week or so I’ve spent looking at alternative blogging software, which ended up with me deciding to carry on with WP!), I’ve decided to make some changes in my life to mark the more or less arbitrary end/start of our annual jaunt around our nearest stellar neighbour – here, I’ll be detailing my plans for the MancAvGeek website and associated Social Media accounts.
This list is truncated from (and then expanded on) a similar list on my main blog at .

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Site Update 19th June 2023

So, the site is back up and running pretty much as it should – it turns out that one of my plugins was trying to cache images, but failing to actually send them, which meant that no images were getting through.

I’m hoping an update will fix this soon, but until then, this update will remain switched off.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Manc AvGeek

Site Update 17th June 2023

I’ve just noticed that the site isn’t quite working the way it should – images from the last few days aren’t loading, instead the alt-text descriptions are visible.
I have absolutely no idea what is causing this, but will be working on finding a solution as soon as possible.
The only current workaround for this is to click on each alt-text entry, and hopefully the image will load.
It doesn’t always work, if not just look up the pics on my Fediverse site.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

We’re Back!

Unfortunately, because of work and family commitments, followed by a period of illness, updates have been few and far between recently.

Hopefully, things will improve now, with a new workflow for uploads and captioning, now that I appear to be over the worst of this illness.


Look for more photos of dubious quality but great memories over the coming days and weeks.

